My First Blog


Straight from my notebook!


I always feel like things are in place when there is a plan. A beginning, middle, and end. I like to have something to focus on, a big goal.

I have no plan for where I am. I did not expect to quit my job and find no desire to stay in the field of work I was in.  A lot of my work had to do with sharing my story. So, how do I set the example when I feel like changing my line of work is betraying my own idea of healing from my trauma, by not helping others through my own personal experiences!!!!!!!!!. BRING ON THE (MID LIFE?) EXISTENTIAL CRISIS!!! No direction, what do I want to do? what do I not want to do?


I have decided that Moving on is not betraying me!… YAY ME! Ok? Now what? I have decided to take a total me approach to this next year. I can not afford to travel the world or revamp my apartment with new shit either. So, again, how does a poor-ass mother afford to find my new Effin me!?! Well, I have decided to do this MY way the YURI WAY! The FUN WAY!!! So this will be My year in challenges. I will be doing 30 day challenges until the year is over.

My idea is to blog about these challenges. I am doing this because of the lack of direction in my life right now. I will post pictures and stay 100% honest about the emotions tied in with each challenge. I will not be doing anything offensive, dangerous, mean spirited, meant to inflict harm on others or myself or in anyway fucked up. All challenges will be safe, sane and healthy.

May I be renewed in the Goddesses master plan and come out of this successful where it counts and more happy all around.


You will always be fond of me. I represent all the sins you never had the courage to commit – Oscar Wylde


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I don't know about ME. It is why I have started this blog. I can tell you what I wrote in my notebook. Perhaps this will give you some insight as to who you will be reading about. STRAIGHT FROM MY NOTEBOOK I want to write about ... The experience of what it is like to be a veteran mom with PTSD, what it's like to see the outcome of hard work pay off in parenting, what it's like to fail myself as a parent, what I do to cope with living on a fixed income, going paperless in my kitchen, using natural products for skin care, traveling with twins, having a great relationship with my co-parent, transitioning after accomplishing goals that did not work out the way I planned, what it's like to make time for others when I am depressed and whatever takes me through the next year. Up until now I have not embraced the social media AT ALL... So, this is all new to me. I know that as much as I have researched I am still a newb. So, I do not expect miracles here. I am just hoping that I can have a positive experience, meet new people, and perhaps get happy along the way. The name I have chosen for myself means Strong Warrior. I figured new identity, new name.

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